The 2010s was the decade of the Entrepreneur. The 2020s will be the decade of the Investor.
“Obsession with outcomes makes us weak. The process, on the other hand, is sturdy and faithful”.
Ryan Holiday
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💰 Paid subscribers get access to all posts, the angel investor Q&A podcast I did during the 2020 lockdowns, the full archive and can request a video call to ask me anything and talk about the things I don’t share anywhere else.
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Words Of The Years
In 2023 it was ambition, which took me most of 2023 to really find (but maybe that was the point).
In 2024 it has been independence. In January of 2024 I wrote the following to Patrick, who got me started on WOTY:
“While I'll always have, and want, friends, a network, info/intel etc - I love all that - 'Independence' this year means independence of thought, financial independence and not having to rely on or be beholden to others. I know it'll help with my focus too. When I was working with [an UHNWI] (did I tell you this at The Wolseley?), we were discussing a deal... I was getting all excited because [tier-1 VC] was also sniffing around but on one call [the UHNWI] totally flattened that thought by saying, ‘Matthew - I do not need external validation’. Pow!”
I’ve certainly made amazing progress on my independence but still have some work to do, which will take my…
WOTY 2025
noun: the state of being obsessed with someone or something.
There are two things in my work-life right now:
After piloting an idea for a few weeks, Katie and I will be launching a new 9others product to help with the ‘then what…?’ that comes after a meal with 9others. People share their challenges, get and give help and leave knowing they need to take a step forward. But, then what…?
VC Lab has set the direction for my investing. (No this is not a pitch, but…) I want to take the decision-making process I have for my own investments to another level, which means writing bigger cheques into the best I observe and evaluate through 9others (that’s how I get to see a side of founders that other investors not only don't, but can't).
Why a WOTY?
Having a WOTY helps enormously with my focus — a lot of it is reminding me not to do the things that don’t help towards the goal.
So thank you Patrick — I’m keen as ever to hear yours for 2025, hopefully over another nice breakfast at The Wolseley!
More from me?
If you like my writing you can get more by buying my book, ‘Find your 9others’. It’s on Amazon here.
And if you’ve already read ‘Find your 9others’ please leave an Amazon review here.

🆓 Free subscribers get a short preview and all free public posts. NB: All posts in 2024 will have paid-subscriber-only parts.
💰 Paid subscribers get access to all posts, the angel investor Q&A podcast I did during the 2020 lockdowns, the full archive and can request a video call to ask me anything and talk about the things I don’t share anywhere else.
💰💰💰 Founding Members get all paid benefits plus you get to WhatsApp me unlimited questions for discussion, you get a one hour discussion session once a quarter plus a great lunch in London, on me.
Important: None of these posts are investment advice. If you are thinking about investing you should seek the advice of a suitably qualified independent advisor.