3, 1, 2
Recently I watched the Netflix documentary 'Stutz' (who co-authored ‘The Tools’ book above). I took a tonne of notes.
The first and probably best take-away was that Stutz says we have to work on our ‘Life Force’ and we can do that by repeatedly doing three things. Working on the following three things will get you back on track when things are bad. You have to work on:
Your body: Diet, sleep, fitness.
Your people: Relationships, i.e. meet with all sort of others.
Yourself: Create: write, draw, sculpt. This works on your subconscious.
What I've thought is interesting since is that I (we, one?) easily slips into topping up 1 and 2, even if those two things are pretty well sorted. I think I do that because it's easy — I can eat well or go for a run, I can schedule coffee with someone interesting or WhatsApp a friend to ask how they’re doing. All worthy stuff, but…
Am I doing 1 and 2 to avoid 3? Maybe it’s hard to get into 3 because I don’t see any success, progress or impact in the short term. Yet I know that’s where all the gains are to be made.
So if you, like me, have 1 and 2 pretty well sorted then let’s always start with 3, but keep topping up 1 and 2.
In other news
Thanks to the few early adopters who pre-ordered ‘Find your 9others’ — your 9others bookmark and stickers are in the post!
Katie and I will be hosting a summer launch party for the book too — it’ll be on Thursday 29th June in London so get in touch if you’d like an invitation — email me on: matthew@9others.com or sign up to the 9others newsletter for that.
The link to pre-order it is here or you can scan the QR code below (make sure you tell me if you buy a copy and I’ll send you a 9others bookmark and some stickers!):
Important: None of these posts are investment advice. If you are thinking about investing you should seek the advice of a suitably qualified independent advisor.