Pagoda style
I met up with Teresa Roncero (in the Monocle Cafe (with a nice Pagoda opposite)) and Peter Monteza today.
Teresa is the founder of 10 Million Women, a marketplace for corporate gifts. But not any old gifts — they have to be sustainable and with social impact, like a wash bag embroidered by women in the Jerash Refugee Camp in Jordan or an A5 notebook from Mexico that’s made with paper from well-managed forests. If you’re in charge of getting gifts for your team or for people at events get in touch. I hope Teresa will accept LUXTRA, Seep and D&D on the site.
And Peter is a co-founder of MyARC, a TechStars-backed platform that helps creators of fitness content train their communities, at scale. I always like it when a startup is making money helping other people make money — win-win. One of their creators has gone from making a few hundred quid to making 6-figures and has been able to buy a new flat. I’ll be sending a few people MyARC’s way. I also heard the backstory of how Peter went from obese to a national-level athlete in the space of two years. Impressive stuff.
Keep meeting good people. If you know any, introduce me.
Important: None of these posts are investment advice. If you are thinking about investing you should seek the advice of a suitably qualified independent advisor.