As I mentioned back in the post of 6th January, my aim was to write a post each day, Monday-Friday, throughout the month of January. Well, when I hit publish on this one I’ll have done just that — a post for each of the 22 weekdays in January.
Writing all these posts has felt mostly good — they’ve helped me think and helped me make some decisions about what to do and not do in 2023. I’ll share more about what I’ve learned another time (and I’ll probably go back to a weekly post).
So today’s post is, like this one, another with no great pearls of investing or startup wisdom. I did go for a long walk today though — that’s something I’d recommend — getting outside and slowing down for a couple of hours, especially if you’re a bit fed up like I was earlier today. I know I go for long runs at the weekend but a walk is different, obviously less rushed, and something I will do more.
Important: None of these posts are investment advice. If you are thinking about investing you should seek the advice of a suitably qualified independent advisor.