Bad idea? Might actually be your best yet
In August 2011 I saw YCNYC.
I thought similar should happen in London.
But I tried to give away the idea.
I thought someone else would be better able to pull it off. I couldn’t do it.
Then I told Katie about it.
She told me to pull my finger out and do it myself.
So I did.
PG thought it was a ‘moot point’.
I didn’t.
I stayed up all that night, made the YCLDN website and had multiple offers of venues.
Over 500 people signed up in less than a week.
People were queuing around the block.
It was my best idea to date and I tried to give it away.
Important: None of these posts are investment advice. If you are thinking about investing you should seek the advice of a suitably qualified independent advisor.