Early Adopter

Ever the early adopter, I’ve had my bout of COVID-19 and am out the other side now.
Here’s how it went from last Friday, 13th March:
Friday: Went for a 10km run, came back with my throat feeling a bit dry but I put that down to just being out huffing and puffing around rural Hertfordshire.
Saturday: Started well but by the afternoon the dry throat had got worse and I was starting to get that mild fever feeling that happens when the flu is about to come on. Went to bed as normal but didn’t sleep at all as more symptoms came on rapidly: headache (in fact everything ached particularly eyes and limbs), sore throat, fever, out of breath doing just about anything.
Sunday: Eventually got to sleep around 4am on Sunday morning. The rest of day was a write-off. Everything ached and I felt like an 80 year old when climbing the stairs. When I did manage to sleep it was in 30 minute chunks as the fever and feeling cold kept waking me up. Didn’t eat much but yoghurt and frozen berries helped cool my throat.
Monday: Slightly better, especially for having slept a bit. Got up to give the kids breakfast OK but still felt like an old man (much to their amusement). Once they were sorted I went back to bed and slept until 2:30pm. Woke up feeling a bit more human.
Tuesday: Felt so much better and was able to get through some work but the whole world was feeling so very surreal. This was the £330bn day.
Wednesday: Pretty much recovered. Still had a dry throat but the fever had totally gone.
Today: As if nothing has happened. Just got back from a 10km run in the rain so wrote this feeling good.
Tomorrow: Last day of peace to enjoy before schools close and I turn into a (very strict!) teacher next week.
I’ve not had a cold or flu in 2+ years so can only assume it was COVID-19. As instructed by Boris, I didn’t call 111 or get tested. I figured I would if things didn’t improve but, while Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon were pretty rough that’s not too bad.
Stay safe folks.