The 2010s was the decade of the Entrepreneur.
The 2020s will be the decade of the Investor.
“Resistance Never Sleeps: In other words, fear doesn’t go away. The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day”
Steven Pressfield
New Year
Hello. Here's a little story about what I did (didn't) get done in 2024, what I've done about it and a new thing from 9others in 2025 that's helped me and might help you...
Old Problems
In the second half of last year I was trying to get lots (too much, the wrong things?) done... You've been there, right??
The annoying thing was that in amongst faffing about on the internet, jumping from one ‘urgent’ task to the other, I just wanted to get some time to focus — I mean, I knew what I had to do and I knew it was important1.
Urgh, but how...
You need a good buddy
Well, as in so many other cases, it was Katie Lewis to the rescue. How about a Monday call, she said, one where we just share the important stuff we want to get done (or maybe the stuff we've been avoiding), then we spend an hour together actually doing the work?
Well, we did. And it's been incredible.
Introducing Founders Focus
So in the last few weeks of 2024 and the first couple of 2025 we've been working on Founders Focus.
Katie and I have been testing it with some early users (thank you) and I'd love you to take a look.
What is it?
Founders Focus is a new membership program from 9others; a space for you to carve out time to work on the hard things that really matter.
That means:
A Monday morning ‘focus hour’ to do the work.
A private Slack channel for members to connect and share wins.
The chance to open up opportunities from the community they're part of.
The Founds Focus calls feel like they last four hours, not just one. Having the camera on and having someone else there working away makes me really want to sit tight and get the work done. And being able to share what I set out to do, and what I got done, really perks me up for the day and week ahead.
What? Where? How?
Have a look at the Notion page here. There you can see who it’s for and read more details and the FAQs.
Are you guilty of a bit too much procrastination too? Lots of ‘urgent’ tasks when actually you should be doing that one important one?
Remember, Founders Focus (or at least they should).
I hope you'll join us.
If you do you'll start your week with more clarity, you'll tackle the important tasks and you'll build the right habits to get the right work done.
In other news
🥷 There'll be more from me on focus, accountability, good habits and (WOTY) obsession in the coming days & weeks.
🤖 It will be interesting to see how far Founders Focus can go using just Slack, Notion, Stripe and Google Meet.
📬 If you have any questions on all this just hit reply or my DMs are open on X here.
More from me?
If you like my writing you can get more by buying my book, ‘Find your 9others’. It’s on Amazon here.
And if you’ve already read ‘Find your 9others’ please leave an Amazon review here.

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Important: None of these posts are investment advice. If you are thinking about investing you should seek the advice of a suitably qualified independent advisor.